It's a Great Day!

November 21, 2020 Hello everybody! This week was one for the books! To start off, my district's new saying has become "It's a great day to be a missionary!" Whenever someone looks down or is having a hard time focusing on Japanese, we let them know it's a great day to be a missionary! It has honestly become so helpful. I have loved doing the MTC online, but it isn't always the easiest thing. I have become so grateful for each missionary in my district. We can always count on someone saying something so wild, like when Morgan Chourou started to do the Christian rap, that it brightens our whole online classroom. We had a class focused on the Atonement of Christ this week, and it was one of the most powerful lessons I have ever been a part of. We did a silent lesson, so no one was allowed to talk during the lesson, and the Spirit was able to be so strong. I went into the lesson with a love for the Atonement, and after the lesson, I had a much stronger appreciat...