The car doesn't even fit

 May 10, 2021

Hello everybody! 

This week we had the great opportunity to have zone conference! It was an awesome meeting full of new things to be learned. The big focus and theme of the meeting was to expand our vision. We learned lots of new ways to use scriptures while teaching, new ways to use social media, and how family history is a great way to do missionary work! But my favorite part was when they encouraged us to expand our vision with those around them. They asked us to envision the people we are currently teaching and envision them being baptized and then being sealed as a family and enjoying all the blessings of the gospel. It completely changed my perspective on how I view the people around me. We truly are all children of a loving Heavenly Father and we all have a divine potential. I know moving forward I will look at those around me in a new light. 

We also had a really amazing lesson tis week. It was one of those lessons that we planned on teaching one thing but within the first couple of minutes Sister Pinkham and I both knew we needed to go down a different route. We ended up talking a lot about the grace of Jesus Christ and how it applies to all of us with all of our trials and hardships. We talked about the talk "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. If you haven't read it, I would encourage you to! It is so good! I have been studying grace for about the last week and each time I learn something new. I still don't know everything and exactly how grace works, but I do know that Christ's grace will help us to have the strength to overcome our weaknesses and sins have we have the faith and humility to turn to Him. I love the idea of Christ standing with His arms wide open just waiting for us to take steps towards Him. 

It was definitely a week full of powerful testimony builders that have helped me to strengthen my relationship with my Savior. 

Other fun things from this week

1- Florida peaches are very different from regular peaches. 

2- Sister Purdon is a killer chess player. 

3- Sometimes it is good to get in your feels. 

4- Lightning role plays are very stressful especially for Sister Pinkham and I. 

5- Cambodian is a crazy language. I am grateful for Japanese. 

6- I think I might be a little scared of butterflies. 

7- A lot of stuff can fit inside of our garage, but not our car. 

8- Kael's pockets are also magical!

9- Wawa quesadillas are where it is at. 

10- Don't sit on a dock swing that has rusted springs. 

I love you all and I hope you have great week!


Wixom 姉妹 


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